财报电话会议:Total Energy Services Inc.公布创纪录的第二季度业绩

   日期:2024-08-12     来源:大智报    浏览:14    
核心提示:Total Energy Services Inc. (TESI)公布了其2024年第二季度创纪录的业绩,与去年同期相比,收入增长了2%。该公司将这一增长归因于加拿大和澳大利亚稳定的行业环境,北美对压缩和过程设备的需求激增,以及成功收购Saxon能源服务公司。 凭借强大的财务状况,包括7180万加元的营运资本和2480万加元的现金,道达尔能源有望在今年剩余时间内产生可观的自由现金流。该公司还战略性

Total Energy Services Inc. (TESI)公布了其2024年第二季度创纪录的业绩,与去年同期相比,收入增长了2%。该公司将这一增长归因于加拿大和澳大利亚稳定的行业环境,北美对压缩和过程设备的需求激增,以及成功收购Saxon能源服务公司。



  • 总能量在行业稳定的推动下,非合并收入同比增长2%条件和特殊设备需求旺盛。
  • 从地理上看,美国以46%的收入领先,其次是加拿大(36%)和澳大利亚(18%)。
  • 压缩过程服务(CPS)部门是收入最高的公司贡献者占51%。
  • 公司的收入和息税折旧及摊销前利润均有显著增长合同钻井服务(CDS)部门。
  • 该公司对安全的承诺通过滚动12个月来强调总可记录的入射频率小于1。
  • 首席执行官丹尼尔·哈利克(Daniel Halyk)对员工们的合作表示感谢对公司成功的贡献。


  • 今年下半年,随着澳大利亚企业和公司的增长预期,前景看好北美的需求持续强劲。
  • 该公司预计将产生大量自由现金流。


  • 从2024年到2025年,资本支出可能会有少量结转。
  • 预计未来设备升级资本支出的机会将减少。


  • 对Saxon Energy Services的收购超出了预期,允许重新部署以前闲置的设备。
  • CPS分部的制造销售积压继续增长。


  • 该公司没有提供有关小额资本支出结转到2025年的具体细节。


  • Daniel Halyk讨论了资本预算流程,指出维护资本的初步预算将于2024年1月初公布。
  • 该公司计划在今年年底前完成大部分主要项目,剩余资金约为3000万加元。

道达尔能源服务公司仍然专注于其增长战略和运营效率。Daniel Halyk在财报电话会议上的讨论强调了该公司稳健的财务状况和战略举措,这使其处于持续成功的位置。道达尔能源服务公司(Total Energy Services Inc.)第二季度的业绩稳健,对今年剩余时间的前景也持乐观态度,看来该公司已经做好了驾驭未来市场格局的准备。

全反式脚本-无(TOTZF) Q2 2024:

接线员:谢谢您的等待。我是会议接线员。欢迎参加道达尔能源2024年第二季度业绩电话会议和网络直播。请注意,所有与会者都处于仅听模式,会议正在录制中。演讲结束后,将有机会提问。现在我想把会议交给Total Energy Services Inc.的总裁兼首席执行官Daniel Halyk。请继续。

Daniel Halyk:谢谢。早上好,欢迎参加道达尔2024年第二季度电话会议。今天和我在一起的是我们的财务副总裁兼首席财务官Yuliya Gorbach。我们将与您一起回顾截至2024年6月30日的三个月,道达尔的财务和运营亮点。然后,我们将提供我们的业务前景,并开放电话热线的问题。尤利娅,请说。

Yuliya Gorbach: Thank you, Dan. During the course of this conference call, information may be provided containing forward-looking information concerning Total’s projected operating results, anticipated capital expenditure trends, and projected activity in the oil and gas industry. Actual events or results may differ materially from those reflected in Total’s forward-looking statements due to a number of risks, uncertainties, and other factors affecting Total’s businesses and the oil and gas service industry in general. These risks, uncertainties, and other factors are described under the heading Risk Factors and elsewhere in Total’s most recently filed annual information form and other documents filed with Canadian provincial securities authorities that are available to the public at www.sedarplus.ca. Our discussions during this conference call are qualified with reference to the notes to the financial highlights contained in the news release yesterday. Unless otherwise indicated, all financial information in this conference call is presented in Canadian dollars. Total Energy's financial results for the three months ended June 30, 2024 represents record second quarter financial results. Relatively stable industry conditions in Canada and Australia, continued strong demand in North America for compression and process equipment, and the acquisition of Saxon Energy Services in March more than offset a year-over-year decline in U.S. drilling and completion activity. Consolidated revenue for the second quarter of 2024 was 2% higher compared to Q2 2023. The addition of Saxon in Australia increased compression rental revenue in the CPS segment following the additional new rental units in the first quarter and effective cost management contributed to a 24% increase in second quarter EBITDA as compared to 2023. Geographically, 46% of second quarter revenue was generated in the United States, 36% in Canada, and 18% in Australia as compared to second quarter of 2023 when 47% of consolidated revenue was generated in the United States, 40% in Canada, and 13% in Australia. By business segment, the CPS segment contributed 51% of second quarter consolidated revenue, followed by the Drilling segment at 32%, Well Servicing at 9%, and the RTS segment at 8%. In comparison, for the second quarter of 2023, the CPS segment generated 54% of second quarter consolidated revenue, followed by Contract Drilling Services at 26%, and each Well Servicing, Rentals, and Transportation Services contributing 10%. Second quarter consolidated margin was 23% as compared to 19% for the prior year. Margin improvement in CDS and CPS segments more than offset a decrease in the Well Servicing segment. As compared to 2023, the CDS segment saw second quarter revenue increase by 25% and EBITDA by 47%. And depending this improvement with stable industry conditions in Canada, cost management in the United States, and the acquisition of Saxon on March 7, 2024 in Australia. Canadian Drilling activity and financial results for the second quarter of 2024 were consistent with 2023. In the United States, efficient operational and cost management more than offset the 39% year-over-year decrease in second quarter operating days such that second quarter operating income increased by 9% as compared to 2023. In Australia, second quarter operating days more than doubled following the acquisition of Saxon on March 7, 2024. The additional Saxon's deeper rig fleet resulted in a 32% year-over-year increase in Australia in Q2 revenue per operating day, which was also the primary reason for a 19% year-over-year increase in the second quarter consolidated CDS segment revenue per operating day. Revenue in the RTS segment decreased compared to Q2 of 2023 as a result of lower industry activity in the U.S. A modest increase in revenue per utilized piece of rental equipment mitigated the negative impact of lower equipment utilization in the segment's EBITDA given this segment's relatively high fixed cost structure. Second quarter revenue in total CPS segment decreased slightly as compared to 2023 due to increased demand for rental equipment in the United States. The deployment of newly constructed rental units late in the first quarter and into the second quarter resulted in a 15% increase in rental fleet utilization in the United States. This increased rental activity, combined with improved fabrication sales margins and increased Parts and Service businesses. resulted in a 42% year-over-year increase in second quarter CPS segment EBITDA and a 508 basis point increase in the EBITDA margin. The quarter end fabrication sales backlog increased to CAD204.6 million compared to CAD185.6 million backlog at June 30, 2023. Sequentially, the quarter end sales backlog increased by CAD18.9 million during the second quarter of 2024. Second quarter Well Servicing segment utilization decreased 20% compared to prior year quarter due to lower activity in all jurisdictions, particularly in the United States as a result of lower industry activity that was due in part to significant customer consolidation. Price increases in Australia following the completion of rig upgrades more than offset weaker pricing in the United States, resulting in a 5% increase in the segment's revenue per operating hour. However, this increase was not enough to offset the decrease in service are such that segment revenue decreased by 16% and the segment EBITDA by 27% compared to the second quarter of 2023. From a consolidated perspective, Total Energy's financial position remains very strong. At June 30, 2024, Total Energy had CAD71.8 million of positive working capital, including CAD24.8 million of cash. Working capital decreased from December 31, 2023, at CAD42 million of mortgage debt due in April 2025 became current during the second quarter of 2024. Total Energy paying covenants consist of maximum senior debt to trailing 12 months bank-defined EBITDA of 3 times and the minimum bank-defined EBITDA to interest expense of 3 times. At June 30, 2024, the company's senior bank debt to bank EBITDA ratio was 0.45 and the bank interest coverage ratio was 10.7 times, excluding CAD10.5 million of non-recurring interest expense. Relating to an income tax reassessment in Q1 2024, the interest coverage ratio was 27.99x.

Daniel Halyk:谢谢你,Yuliya。我们创纪录的第二季度业绩反映了我们多元化业务模式的实力;我们在不断增长、升级和维护设备方面的持续投资;还有我们员工的素质。在第二季度,我们继续执行2024年资本支出计划,资本投资2070万加元,2024年资本支出预算8050万加元中的5030万加元,其中包括从2023年结转的1420万加元的资本承诺,已于2024年6月30日完成。我们预计将用手头现金和运营现金流为2024年剩余的3020万加元资本支出提供资金。除了在今年上半年为5030万加元的资本支出提供资金外,在第一季度,我们还为收购Saxon提供了4740万加元的资金,并在加拿大所得税重新评估后为非经常性所得税和相关利息支出提供了1970万加元的资金,这与我们从收入信托转换相关。有了这些重大支出,我们预计今年剩余时间将产生大量自由现金流。在2024年第二季度,通过1200万加元的股票回购、1050万加元的债务偿还和360万加元的股息,向股东返还了2610万加元。年初至今,道达尔已通过1270万加元的股票回购,将其流通股数量减少了2.8%。展望未来,我们对今年下半年的前景持乐观态度。我们为发展澳大利亚业务所做的重大投资在第二季度开始产生回报。Saxon与Savanna Australia正在进行的整合以及第三季度完成的几个资本项目所产生的协同效应将使这一势头继续下去。正如我们在新闻稿中所指出的,两个钻井平台和一个服务平台将在第三季度重新启动。其中包括7月下旬重新启动的Saxon钻机,以及本周早些时候完成重新认证和升级后刚刚恢复服务的服务钻机。此外,一个新建的钻井平台计划于8月底开始作业。这三个钻井平台都签订了长期合同。展望第四季度,在完成重新认证和升级后,另一个Saxon钻机和一个服务钻机计划开始运营。这两个钻井平台也将根据长期合同运营。尽管北美天然气现货价格疲软,但对压缩和工艺设备的需求仍然强劲,这主要是受到支持北美液化天然气出口能力扩张的基础设施投资的推动。CPS制造销售积压的增加证明了这一需求,截至6月30日超过2亿加元,这使我们能够看到2025年第一季度的情况。我们为扩大美国压缩租赁车队而进行的重大投资的影响反映在CPS部门第二季度的业绩中,并且由于这些投资得到了长期合同的支持,CPS部门将在未来几个季度继续受益。最后,我很高兴地向大家报告,自2008年道达尔开始整合安全统计数据以来,截至6月30日,我们整合的12个月总可记录事故频率(TRIF)首次低于1。具体来说,是0.96。此外,我们在本季度零损失时间事件,12个月滚动LTI率为0.04。这是一个巨大的成就,反映了我们在所有业务和所有国家的员工以安全和负责任的方式经营的持续承诺。这一成就发生在我们第二季度业绩创纪录的同时,这并非巧合,因为以安全高效的方式运营是一项好业务。祝贺你,并感谢我们的每一位员工,为这一切的发生,请保持你的优秀表现。现在我想开通电话,欢迎大家提问。

接线员:谢谢。现在我们开始问答环节。今天的第一个问题来自ATB资本市场的Jonathan Orford。请继续。




Daniel Halyk:我不太愿意给出具体的数字,但它确实在持续增长。


Daniel Halyk:所以,我们的资本预算流程,实际上是从零开始。资本支出的第一行主要集中在维护资本上,我们需要扩大什么来保持我们的机队在预期的活动水平上运行。因此,这个过程将在第四季度末开始,并进入第一季度,我们将在1月初发布初步预算。就增长资本支出而言,这是在逐个机会的基础上解决的。我想说的是,在过去的三年中,我们进行了大量的设备升级资本支出,这对我们很有帮助,特别是在我们的合同钻井业务中。当你进行这些升级时,你可以做的事情就少了。所以,在其他条件相同的情况下,可用的机会就更少了。并不是说没有,但我希望随着市场的合理发展,这些机会将会出现。我想说的一个例外是澳大利亚。我想说,到目前为止,对Saxon的收购已经超出了我们的预期,重新部署之前闲置设备的机会非常大,我们将在今年第三季度和第四季度看到这种情况,我预计明年还会继续。所以,请继续关注。


Daniel Halyk:不,可能总是有一点。去年2023年,我们有相当多的资金,我想大概是1400万加元。其中大部分是在压缩和过程服务部门,我们在第四季度开始建造一些压缩租赁单元,但大部分是在第一季度完成的。再一次,这取决于未来几个月这里发生的事情,这将会发挥作用。但我们不按规格预算或建造压缩租赁单元。它们都是在签订确定合同后才进行预算和资助的。所以你不会——我们不会有压缩过程服务的资本预算用于基于投机的租金。所以我无法预测未来。因此,如果我们在第四季度获得大量租赁单位的订单,可能会导致一些结转,但我不会在这一点上推测。


Daniel Halyk:我们希望在年底前完成大部分的主要项目。我们在澳大利亚有三个钻井平台将于第三季度投入使用,另外两个将于第四季度投入使用。我们的租赁资本支出将进入第三季度和第四季度初,我们在加拿大的油井服务集团将在这里进行升级。所以,如果一切按计划进行,除非有重大变化,这里应该很干净。这里还有大约3000万加元的资金。


Daniel Halyk:谢谢。


Daniel Halyk:谢谢大家,今天早上参加我们的节目,我们期待着在第三季度结束后与你们交谈。祝你夏天愉快。




