财报电话会议:Mogo Finance预计第二季度将实现增长,专注于财富和支付业务

   日期:2024-08-12     来源:大智报    浏览:2    
核心提示:Mogo金融科技公司(Mogo financial Technologies Inc.,简称Mogo)公布第二季度业绩良好,收入增长10%,达到1760万美元,通过Carta服务支付的金额增长12%,达到28亿美元。该公司的财富业务经历了大幅改善,旨在通过一个负担得起的简单投资平台颠覆共同基金行业。 Mogo在本季度结束时拥有强大的财务状况,持有现金,投资和有价证券总计约4100万美元。首席执行官

Mogo金融科技公司(Mogo financial Technologies Inc.,简称Mogo)公布第二季度业绩良好,收入增长10%,达到1760万美元,通过Carta服务支付的金额增长12%,达到28亿美元。该公司的财富业务经历了大幅改善,旨在通过一个负担得起的简单投资平台颠覆共同基金行业。

Mogo在本季度结束时拥有强大的财务状况,持有现金,投资和有价证券总计约4100万美元。首席执行官Greg Feller强调,公司的战略是优先考虑财富和支付的长期增长,同时保持运营的正现金流。



  • 第二季度营收增长10%,至1,760万美元。
  • Carta的支付额增长了12%,达到28亿美元。
  • 财富业务专注于颠覆传统Nal共同基金,提供可负担、可管理的解决方案。
  • 运营现金流为正,第二季度营销支出减少。
  • 加密投资公司公司市值接近50%,但收入却为0%。
  • 理财产品的ARPU为180美元,意味着没有钱网络化的潜力。
  • 季末的现金和总投资约为4,100万美元。
  • 潜艇预计2024财年的视频服务收入将增长15%左右。
  • 2024年调整后的EBITDA指引为500万至600万美元。
  • 与Tom Lee和Fundstrat的营销合作不涉及股权,只涉及12个月的费用。
  • 较低的利率可能会为Mogo节省大量现金。


  • Mogo专注于财富和支付业务,以实现长期增长。
  • 潜艇预计2024财年的视频服务收入将增长15%左右。
  • 2024年调整后的EBITDA指引为500万至600万美元。


  • 与加密相关的投资占市值的很大一部分,但并没有增加贡献收入。


  • 经营现金流为正。
  • 财务状况良好,手头有大量现金和投资。
  • 财富和支付业务优先增长。


  • 财报电话会议没有具体的失误报告。


  • 首席执行官格雷格·费勒强调了财富业务的增长潜力。
  • 理财产品的ARPU为180美元,而所有产品的ARPU为25美元。
  • 与Tom Lee和Fundstrat的营销合作不涉及股权。
  • 利率每下降1%,莫戈就能省下50万美元。


Mogo金融科技公司(Mogo financial Technologies Inc.)第二季度的强劲表现证明,该公司在运营领域取得了长足进步。然而,通过InvestingPro的镜头更深入地了解该公司的财务状况和股票表现,可以看到更微妙的画面。

InvestingPro Tips显示,MOGO今年预计将面临净收入下降的挑战。分析师对该公司在当前财政期间的盈利能力并不乐观。虽然该公司的现金状况值得称道,但它的储备也在迅速消耗,这可能会引发人们对其长期财务可持续性的担忧。此外,MOGO的股票表现一直不尽如人意,在过去的一个月、三个月、六个月,甚至过去的五年里,股价都在大幅下跌。同样值得注意的是,MOGO不派发股息,这可能会影响投资者的情绪。


这些InvestingPro的见解强调了尽职调查的重要性,以及获得一套全面分析工具的价值。对于Mogo Finance Technologies Inc.的投资者和利益相关者,额外的InvestingPro提示(共计11条)可用于进一步指导他们的决策。这些见解可以通过MOGO专用的InvestingPro平台(http://k1.fpubli.cc/file/upload/202408/12/anc4yvdgkcj)获得。文字记录- Mogo Inc (Mogo) 2024年第二季度:


克雷格·阿米蒂奇:谢谢,大家下午好。感谢大家今天的参与。在我们开始之前,简单说几句。今天的电话会议将包含前瞻性陈述,这些陈述基于当前的假设,并受风险和不确定性的影响,这些风险和不确定性可能导致实际结果与预期存在重大差异。除法律要求外,公司不承担更新这些报表的义务。有关风险和不确定性的信息包含在Mogo第二季度的文件中,以及向加拿大和美国监管机构提交的定期文件中,您可以在SEDAR上找到这些信息,也可以通过投资者关系网站访问。最后,今天的会议将包括一些调整后的财务指标或非国际财务报告准则指标。请将这些指标视为国际财务报告准则措施的补充而非替代。你会看到,我们已经在新闻稿和投资者甲板上包括了对帐。接下来,有请Dave Feller。戴夫?

Dave Feller: Thanks, Craig. Thank you, and good afternoon. Welcome to our second quarter 2024 call. I’m joined today by Greg Feller, our President and CFO. I’ll cover some of the key operating highlights, and Greg will dig deeper into the financial results and outlook. It was a solid quarter, both from a financial perspective and a product perspective. A couple of highlights include: we generated positive cash flow from operations. We had year-over-year growth in all our business lines and revenue was up 10% year-over-year to $17.6 million. Carta’s payment volume was up 12% to $2.8 billion, and we’ve also made meaningful improvements in our wealth business. Today, we look at our business through the lens of three key pillars. Each one has its own unique opportunity for long-term growth. I’ll walk through the wealth and Greg will talk about payments crypto. Wealth industry today is estimated over $6 trillion, and that’s investable assets, which include brokerage accounts, retirement accounts, RSPs, TFSAs, trust, et cetera and is a growing market. about $2 trillion of that today is sitting in mutual funds, which highlights the opportunity given mutual funds have among the highest fees, many as high as 2%, while 98% of professionally managed funds underperformed the S&P 500. For example, Canada’s largest mutual fund, the RBC Select balanced portfolio has over $53 billion in assets and has a 10-year average return of 5.8% and a management fee of 1.67% versus a 15% 10-year return for the S&P 500. Now although you could argue that these two different kinds of portfolios, many who are in this are focused on long-term wealth creation and don’t fully understand the implications. One institution is earning close to $1 billion a year off of this one fund. To put these returns into perspective, let’s assume that you have a $10,000 investment over 50 years. In the balance fund at this rate of return, you’d get to $167,000 versus $1.8 million based on the 11% 50-year average of the S&P 500. That’s almost 11 times more money. If the 10-year average of 15% holds, that number would grow to over $10 million. Same amount of money invested, same time period, but radically different outcomes. Although there’s no lack of investing products in the market today, the reality is the existing solutions in the marketplace just don’t come close to solving the problem. Most Canadians aren’t coming close to achieving financial freedom. Perhaps no stack communicates this more than a recent retirement survey that showed 75% of Canadians who have yet to retire have saved less than $100,000 versus the estimated $1.7 million average that Canadian thinks they need to retire. And as we’ve just reviewed in the previous slide, it’s easy to see why so many never come close to it based on some of the products many of them get put into. We’ve developed a radically differentiated approach to solving the problem that includes a fully managed solution complemented by a self-directed one. As Warren Buffett says, being a great investor is more about temperament than intellect. And as James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits says, much of building good habits comes down to making it harder to do the things that lead to bad outcomes and make it easier to drive the behaviors lead to positive outcomes. Our products are designed based on behavioral science to make it simple and engaging for anyone to develop the right investing habits while minimizing the ones that tend to lead to underperformance. Most of our product improvements and road map are directly related to these behavioral improvements. Another disruptive element of our solution is our fee structure. We offer both a fully managed solution, along with the commission-free and zero FX fee self-directed investing app. Along with the guidance and education investors need, all for a simple low monthly fee of $15 a month. As a simple comparison, if you had $100,000 in an average mutual fund, your annual fee alone would be around $1,600 to $2,000 a year. And if you had $1 million with a wealth adviser, it would be around $10,000. And for the vast majority, this would all be for the privilege of underperforming and most importantly, being on track to a fraction of the wealth that’s possible. We’re still very early days in our journey in the wealth space and continue to make solid progress every quarter on improving our value proposition through product improvements and how we market and communicate our value product. This last quarter alone, we released 21 new updates and hundreds of improvements. Mogo is designed to be the core part of your wealth building solution. Mogo is based on the proven long-term performance of the S&P 500. Again, 98% of professional fund managers underperformed this index. And the average investor generates less than 50% of those returns. Today, we have 18-year-olds who are on track to over $18 million by the age of 78 and over $62 million by age 90, with just a simple $50 week contribution. It’s hard to overstate how disruptive this is to the status quo. The old way would have been to have been sold into mutual funds from the bank and usually much later in life or perhaps download a commission-free trading app with the hopes of getting rich quick. Oh, and by the way, this is primarily done in the TFSA. So that $62 million would be equivalent to over $124 million in your RSP. What’s unique about our solution is we make it easy for anyone to get on a path to being a multimillionaire with a specific goal and date. How many people today are that are investing know the returns and have a plan where they know what they’re on track for, very few. One of the unique and engaging features we launched last quarter was our new leaderboard that showcases some of our top members and help celebrate and gamify getting rich. It’s also important to understand the impact of this on people today versus waiting decades to achieve their goal. Mental health is an important topic, especially for Gen-Z. And given financial stress is still the number one stressor across all demographics. Nothing helps improve but more than being confident around investing in financial freedom. Although it may take decades to achieve the goal, the benefits of being confidently on a path to financial freedom and to your self-esteem and confidence are immediate. Another unique element of our wealth building platform is Mogo, our self-directed investing app. One of Buffett’s favorites quotes is that Wall Street makes more money by getting people to gamble than to invest. The fact is most of these apps have been designed to get you to trade as that’s what drives our revenue, but the data is clear. The more you trade, the more you underperform. What’s more, they would like you to believe that it’s easy to trade. And because it’s now even commission free, it’s available to everyone. Well, the reality is the only thing that has happened is that they have made it easier than ever to gamble and speculate on stocks. Trading and gambling is easy, but serious investing that produces long-term good results is very hard. We believe Mogo is the only self-directed investing app that is designed to actually get investors to trade less and focus more on proven long-term value investing. One of our latest features is Buffett Mode and that now makes it easier than ever for someone to learn how to invest based off the principles of the greatest investor of all time. Buffett Mode is mostly focused on helping investors gain the knowledge, skills and discipline needed to be a better investor while moving away from behaviors like trading and gambling that lead to losses and underperformance. These include TikTok style educational videos from Buffett himself, explaining everything from circled confidence to how we calculate intrinsic value. It’s like having Warren Buffett as your investing copilot. Customer feedback is critical to us to helping us make sure that we’re focused on the right things, which is why 1 of our new features allow any user to simply shake the app and share their feedback on the product. What they like, what they don’t like, et cetera. This feedback goes directly into the slack channel but all of us, including my cell free constantly. Every day, we review all customer feedback and incorporate that in our plans accelerating this feedback loop has had a big impact on speeding up the rate at which we identify the right things to focus on. As part of our go-to-market strategy, we’ve also recently formed a key strategic partners with Postmedia to launch a new wealth section designed to help educate Canadians on the pitfalls of existing solutions in the marketplace and the impact that the right approach and strategy can have in terms of your ability to achieve financial freedom. We also formed a partnership with Tom Lee of Fundstrat who is a frequent CNBC contributor and is widely considered one of the most thoughtful strategists on Wall Street, to give our wealth members exclusive access to his investment research and further establish us a leading platform for serious investors. Again, we are clearly at the beginning of this journey to disrupt the wealth space in Canada and we’re pleased with the progress we’ve made this quarter. Like investing, we are taking a long-term compounding approach. It takes a while to gain the trust and credibility as a wealth brand. And these partnerships, along with the product improvements we made this quarter are important and meaningful steps towards this. With that, I’ll turn it over to Greg.


接线员:谢谢。第一个问题来自Eight Capital公司的Adhir Kadve。请继续。

Adhir Kadve:大家好。下午好,感谢你们在这里回答我的问题。有一件事引起了我的注意,我认为在这个季度很重要,那就是你们的现金流在合并公司层面上是正的。你能告诉我们你是如何看待你的现金在今年下半年的流动吗?


Adhir Kadve:很好。当涉及到财富业务和支付业务时,可能会有一些杠杆作用。就个人而言,你们是如何看待未来财富业务的发展的?我知道你说市场营销在今年下半年可能会增加。但也许能给我们一些颜色看看如何在下半年分别考虑财富和支付业务?


戴夫·费勒:当然。是的。在财富方面,正如我在评论中提到的,它确实是专注于产品改进之间的平衡。很明显,我们今天生活在一个很明显的世界,在很多情况下,更好的产品会赢,尤其是在一个由社交媒体、推荐、口碑驱动的世界里。因此,我们非常专注于继续优先改进产品,并将其作为关键的增长动力之一。正如我们提到的,我们在上一季度发布了21个版本,其中包括数百个改进。同样,每次我们这么做的时候,我们都是基于净推荐值(Net Promoter Score)等指标进行衡量。我们相信较高的NPS分数与较强的口碑之间存在很强的相关性,这显然会转化为一定比例的新客户来自口碑。我们的目标是,在良好的产品体验和价值主张的推动下,我们的新客户中有50%以上是通过口口相传而来的。然后辅以市场营销。显然,我们在本季度提到的一些新合作伙伴,我们对Postmedia的合作感到非常兴奋。这才刚刚开始。我们的第一篇文章就要在那里上线了。他们在该平台上拥有超过1700万的月活跃用户。,他们的目标是开始分发这种新财富部分,这也是由短柄小石斧和Moka,包括一堆赞助内容但直接编辑,他们非常一致的消息在市场上,我们试图去加拿大的教育现实的财富建筑空间在加拿大的一些缺陷很明显,最终直接将我们的产品提供。我在评论中提出的观点,我认为这是非常重要的一点,那就是你必须,必须从长远的角度看待这件事,所有的事情,就像投资,复利,建立信任和信誉一样,作为一个值得信赖的令人难以置信的财富建设品牌,显然需要时间,我们与汤姆·李建立战略合作伙伴关系的部分原因显然归结于此。汤姆·李是一位非常受人尊敬的美国战略家,也是CNBC上经常出现的受人尊敬的评论员之一。所以把他带到我们的会员基础上,同时我们还会做一些面对面的活动Tom Lee也在加拿大市场发布了这些活动。很明显,所有这些都有助于提高我们的定位,使我们成为加拿大市场上值得信赖的优秀品牌。因此,我们认为,所有这些因素加在一起,将继续推动财富业务在明年——直到2025年的下半年——的增长。

Adhir Kadve:最后一个问题,更多的是澄清。你能不能,我可能在开场白中漏掉了,你在理财产品上看到的ARPU ?我想你说的是25美元,现在可以涨到300美元左右。澄清一下这两个指标。

Dave Feller:我们目前的ARPU实际上是Mogo会员在我们所有产品中的平均ARPU是25美元。但是,根据我们财富产品目前的定价,平均每个用户的ARPU为180美元。所以这是提高整体盈利率的机会。

Adhir Kadve:很好。这就是我想要的。谢谢大家。谢谢你的时间,我会过线的。

接线员:下一个问题来自菲律宾H.C. Wainwright公司的斯科特·巴克。去做吧。






Greg Feller:不,不是股权,只是有效的营销伙伴关系。因此,我们实际上是在未来12个月向他们支付费用,不包括股权,这些费用都将体现在我们的营销费用中。






戴夫·费勒:好的,再次感谢您参加我们的第二季度更新。最后我想对Mogo and Carta团队说一声非常感谢。球队去年一直在努力工作,但肯定是在最后一个季度。我认为,我们开始看到很多积极的影响,仅仅是在业务表现方面,特别是在我们的一些产品优先级方面,比如财富和支付。所以,再次感谢你们的团队,我们期待下个季度的更新。谢谢你!




