财报电话会议:Altius Minerals在面临各种挑战的情况下,预计第二季度收入将出现增长

   日期:2024-08-12     来源:大智报    浏览:9    
核心提示:Altius Minerals Corporation (ALS:TOR)是一家多元化的矿业特许权使用费公司,该公司报告称,2024年第二季度的收入增加,达到2180万美元,高于去年同期的1870万美元。该公司将增长归因于贱金属价格上涨、铁矿石股息以及可再生能源特许权使用费投资组合的扩大。 尽管营收呈积极趋势,但Altius Minerals仍面临不利因素,钾肥价格下跌,以及Genesee煤矿的关

Altius Minerals Corporation (ALS:TOR)是一家多元化的矿业特许权使用费公司,该公司报告称,2024年第二季度的收入增加,达到2180万美元,高于去年同期的1870万美元。该公司将增长归因于贱金属价格上涨、铁矿石股息以及可再生能源特许权使用费投资组合的扩大。

尽管营收呈积极趋势,但Altius Minerals仍面临不利因素,钾肥价格下跌,以及Genesee煤矿的关闭部分抵消了收益。该公司的净利润也出现了显著增长,从2023年第二季度的330万美元(每股0.06美元)大幅提高到830万美元,即每股0.18美元。


  • Altius Minerals 2024年第二季度的收入从2023年第二季度的1870万美元增加到2180万美元。
  • 矿产特许权使用费部门报告了77%的强劲EBITDA利润率。
  • 调整后的经营现金流量从1410万美元降至920万美元,原因是特许权使用费收入和其他营运资金的变化。
  • 净利润从330万美元或每股0.06美元升至830万美元,或每股0.18美元。
  • 该公司的可再生能源特许权使用费部门有12个运营项目和700兆瓦的在建项目。
  • Altius Minerals拥有强大的流动性,拥有1,920万美元现金和9300万美元未使用的信贷额度。
  • 该公司正在探索出售硅资产,并等待可能影响潜在买家的仲裁裁决。
  • 财务活动包括从Adventus交易中获得900万加元的现金流入,以及出售非核心投资获得1570万加元的总收益。


  • 提供了钾肥特许权使用费增长指引,Nutrien(纽交所代码:NTR)预计到2026年将增长8-9%。
  • Altius Minerals预计,长期来看,全球钾肥需求将增长2.5-3%。


  • 钾肥价格下跌和Genesee煤矿的关闭给该公司的盈利带来了挑战。
  • 由于特许权使用费收入、现金收入和其他营运资金的变动,调整后的经营现金流量有所减少。


  • 可再生能源特许权使用费组合增长,有12个正在运营的风能和太阳能项目,还有一个新增项目正在建设的700兆瓦,凸显了该公司在该领域的积极势头。


  • 尽管整体收入有所增长,但该公司调整后的经营现金流较上年有所减少。


  • 该公司讨论了其硅资产的潜在处置,收到了各种建议,包括部分consideration选项。
  • 等待仲裁结果,这对于与有关各方就硅资产进行谈判至关重要,尽管大部分资源和上行潜力都在无争议的土地上。
  • 仲裁裁决的确切时间仍不确定。

Altius Minerals Corporation在结束其收益电话会议时展望了未来,特别是关于其硅资产的潜在出售,这取决于即将到来的仲裁裁决。该公司的财务状况似乎稳定,近期交易带来了大量现金流入,信贷状况良好。投资者可以在该公司定于11月召开的下一次收益电话会议上看到进一步的最新情况,届时将讨论第三季度的业绩。

全反式Altius Minerals Corp (ATUSF) 2024年第二季度:

接线员:早上好,女士们,先生们,欢迎来到Altius Minerals 2024年第二季度电话会议和网络直播。此时,所有线路都处于仅听状态。演讲结束后,我们将进行问答环节。【操作说明】。这通电话是在2024年8月9日星期五录制的。我现在把会议交给弗洛拉·伍德。请继续。

弗洛拉·伍德:谢谢你,迈克。大家早上好。欢迎收听我们的第二季电话节目。我们的新闻稿和中期文件于昨日收盘后发布,可在我们网站的主页和投资者页面上查阅。本次会议将进行网络直播,您将可以在会议结束后观看此次电话会议的重播,以及我们网站上添加的演示幻灯片。首席执行官布莱恩•道尔顿;和首席财务官本·刘易斯都是这次会议的发言人。今天和我在一起的是Stephanie Hussey,财务副总裁和John Baker,我们的执行主席。两者都可以作为提问的资源。说到这里,我将由本向我们介绍这些数字。

本·刘易斯:谢谢你,弗洛拉,大家早上好。感谢你[看不清]2024年为2180万美元,而2023年第二季度为1870万美元。本季度的收入和调整后的EBITDA反映了基本金属价格的上涨、铁矿石股息的增加以及可再生特许权使用费投资组合的增长,但部分被钾肥价格下跌和Genesee煤矿的关闭所抵消。矿产特许权使用费部门在2024年第二季度的EBITDA利润率为77%,而2023年第二季度为81%,受到更高的专业费用的影响。2024年第二季度调整后的运营现金流为920万美元,而去年第二季度为1410万美元。减少反映了与特许权使用费收入现金收入以及其他营运资金变化相关的时间。净利润为830万美元或每股0.18美元,而去年第二季度的净利润为330万美元或每股0.06美元。净利润的增加反映了收入的增加以及摊销的减少被成本的小幅增加所抵消。本季度的净收益也受到煤炭资产某些税收损失的确认以及投资收益和对Adventus应收贷款的结算所产生的税收回收的积极影响。2024年第二季度调整后每股净收益为0.09美元,高于2023年第二季度,其中包括对非经常性收入减值费用和税收回收的调整。ARR于8月5日公布了其2024年第二季度的业绩,详情可在其网站ARR .energy上找到。随着195兆瓦Angelo太阳能项目的投产,以及预计第三季度300兆瓦El Sauz风电项目的商业运营,ARR继续加速其收入增长。GBR完成了一系列新交易,包括向分布式开发商Nokomis Energy LLC提供3000万美元融资,并于7月宣布向Nova Clean Energy提供4000万美元的过桥贷款。这两笔交易都将为GBR提供与一系列项目相关的未来版税。现在我将转向资本配置和流动性。本季度,我们按计划偿还了200万美元的债务,支付了380万美元的现金股息,并根据公司股息再投资计划发行了15,224股普通股。该公司在本季度以250万美元的总成本回购并取消了其正常程序发行人出价下的119,300股股票。董事会还批准了0.09美元的季度股息,将于2024年8月30日支付给股东,支付日期为2024年9月16日。截至第二季度末,我们目前的流动性包括1,920万美元的现金,我们的信贷额度中有9,300万美元未使用的左轮手枪室。ARR持有6590万美元现金,在第二季度末,其GBR债务安排下有额外的能力,有足够的空间为其承诺提供资金,并继续寻求新的机会。说到这里,我把话筒交给布莱恩。

Brian Dalton: Thank you, Ben and thank you everyone for joining us again. I'll start today on our Basin Battery metals segment. It's 11 years and counting. That's how long it's been now since the copper sector has experienced price-based capital investment conditions. And considering, we considered against our running estimates of average operating and capital intensities for material new mine builds. While it is true that, the nominal copper price reached a new all-time high during the quarter, before again retreating, the reality is that, operating and capital costs have increased over those 11 years to the point that we now estimate that, something closer to $6 a pound is what is required for potential new mine builders to see an adequate risk-adjusted return. Meanwhile, the existing stock of mines continues to deplete and deteriorate. We are therefore steadfast in our bullishness and well-positioned for the win, not if, scenario that is before us. Our particular base in battery metals royalty projects portfolio is advancing nicely, despite the market backdrop I just noted. We currently have three new projects in late stage construction, namely the eastern deeps nickel copper cobalt mine at Boyden's Bay Labrador and the Trecobrada and Mariana lithium mines in Argentina. Few days ago, it was also announced that, the El Domo (NASDAQ:DOMO) Curipamba Project has received approval from the government of Ecuador to begin construction and operations. This project boasts extremely high grades of copper and gold from a planned open pit, allowing for excellent indicated economics. With the closing of the acquisition of Adventus Mining by Silvercorp last week, project is now controlled by an experienced mine builder and operator with ample capital to complete the build. We look forward now to future updates concerning the expected timeline for production and the beginning of royalties from our 2% NSR royalty. We give a very strong shout out to the whole Adventus team that overcame such an array of challenges over the past several years to bring this project to this stage. You have redefined the word perseverance for me and should be very proud feel very proud of your achievements. We look forward to hopefully working with you again on your next endeavors. We also note that Lundin Mining (OTC:LUNMF) continues to make positive progress in delineating and extending the depth of the high grade Saúva copper discovery at the Chapada project. This work is now being factored into ongoing expansion studies for the district. Turning to potash, it was another quarter of relative stability after the volatility seen in the past few years. Prices held in reasonably well, while global consumption is on track to re meet long-term demand growth trends. Nutrien held its Investor Day during the quarter and we were pleased to hear that they remain focused on continuing to incrementally increase production levels, approximately 8% growth anticipated over the next one to two years. It also noted the meaningful total demand growth that is expected in the market for the rest of the decade, which we have spoken about often, while highlighting their advantage position to meet this demand from the assets we hold royalties on. This quarter marks the 10-year anniversary of our acquisition of these royalties and it is gratifying to note the steady and meaningful volume growth that has occurred since then and to look forward to its continuation for many decades to come. These are very special royalties. Altius Renewable royalties had a particularly strong quarter in terms of continuing to deploy capital and meeting the goal of building meaningful scale and diversity for its U.S.-based renewable energy royalty portfolio. The underlying GBR joint venture, of which ARR controls 50% alongside major global private equity player Apollo, is now on the cusp of reaching $500 million in deployed and committed capital. And its revenue and cash flow profile is in the early stages of significant ramp-up. It now has 12 operating stage wind and solar projects that total more than 2.5 gigawatts and another 700 megawatts of projects under construction in addition to multiple gigawatts of development stage project exposures. Its counterpart is sand as some of the strongest names in the industry, including the likes of NextEra and Enbridge (NYSE:ENB) and the reputation that Frank and the team have established as an innovative and trusted partner has solidified remarkably over the short history since inception. ARR has also noted that it continues to find attractive opportunities against the current weak backdrop conditions amongst competing forms of capital. This stands in stark contrast with the strong power demand growth rate projections developing in its key markets. These are currently at levels that have not been seen in more than a generation and are being confirmed by a steady increase in long-term contracted power purchase prices. Turning to iron ore. IOC continued to make progress in its efforts to achieve improved operational stability, while continuing to invest meaningfully in growth initiatives. This translated into a strong quarterly dividend declaration from [Indiscernible], the pass-through vehicle for royalties and equity dividends from IOC, of which we are a significant shareholder. Champion Iron noted in its recent results presentation that it continues to advance permitting activities for the Kami project, while also continuing negotiations with potential strategic industry partners. It highlighted the recent designation of high-priority iron ore, the type that Kami’s is designed to produce, as a critical mineral by Canada with emphasis on the potential benefits this offers in terms of various financial and other incentives available to support its development ambitions. Now turning to our Silicon Royalty in Nevada. During the quarter, we completed an initial round solicitation process with the key precious metals-focused royalty companies for potential acquisition and or asset trade interest. This resulted in a number of strong and diverse proposals that have added confirmation to our own view of the rare Tier 1 significance of the asset and highlighted what we think is a meaningful disconnect between how its value is generally being perceived by financial industry versus royalty industry professionals. We continue to evaluate a short list of the various proposals while awaiting the results of the arbitration that was conducted during the quarter and determine the full geographic extent of the royalty area. Following that, we expect to carry out a second round of offer solicitations and depending upon results, make a determination as to whether we believe some form of a disposition or a whole of the royalty will be the best long-term result for our shareholders. We would also note that earlier this week, AngloGold Ashanti provided additional results from a 10 rig 66,000-meter drilling campaign that was completed during the quarter at the Merlin deposit. This included a remarkable intercept of 144.5 meters grading 10.5, 3 grams per ton gold, which is likely situated within a future open pit and is oxidized rock material. This was among several other excellent intercepts. AGA also highlighted, A significant intercept was recently received from a geotechnical hole drilled 900 meters north of the silicon deposit that they note underscores the scale and upside potential of the mineralizing system at Silicon Marlin. Remarkable geological story continues to unfold here as we witnessed the birth of one of the world's truly mega scale goal districts. Now I'll turn it over to any questions.

接线员:[接线员说明]。我们的第一个问题来自TD Cowen的Craig Hutchison。请继续。

Craig Hutchison:大家好。早上好,伙计们。很高兴听到硅的进展。我想你说过第一轮和第二轮在那里有点后退。在你的评论中,你提到了可能的处置或保留版税。我想知道您是否可以就您正在与之讨论的交易对手的潜力给出一些评论,以交换他们这边的某种类型的生产贱金属的特许权使用费?


Craig Hutchison:好的。但我想还是有一些机会的,但听起来可能是混合的如果你要处理现金和某种资产的混合。


Craig Hutchison:好的,很好。就钾肥而言,我知道Nutrien的终端价格似乎在上升,但在未来一年左右的钾肥资产的具体特许权使用费方面,我们应该考虑哪种类型的产量增长?

Brian Dalton:我们在这方面有一些指导。Nutrien预计,到2026年,其销量将增长8%到9%。这主要是通过自动化之类的项目来实现的。他们当然相信,更广阔的市场增长是他们保持市场份额的必要条件。我认为Nutrien和Mosaic这两家公司生产的这些产品占全球总产量的25%。听着,我们一直以来看待钾肥的方式,每年的情况可能不太稳定,但长期趋势线是相当不错的,全球钾肥需求每年增长2.5%到3%。这些人不仅占有市场份额,而且自从我们10年前获得版税以来,我们的市场份额一直在增长。但是当我们考虑长期的钾肥时,当你说长期的时候,你确实是指长期的。但是,当我们考虑10年的增量时,我们只是把2.5%到3%的数字计算出来,并使用基本的假设,即他们将继续保持市场份额,因为当然没有资源限制,这些运营商拥有很多技术和地缘政治优势。这就是我们从更大的角度看待它的方式。显然,每年都很难做出调整,但从大局来看,这似乎是正在发生的事情。

Craig Hutchison:好的,很好。谢谢你的颜色伙计们。

Brian Dalton:谢谢你,Craig。















