
   日期:2024-08-11     来源:大智报    浏览:15    
核心提示:全球领先的客户体验技术和服务提供商TTEC控股有限公司(纳斯达克股票代码:TTEC)公布了其2024年第二季度财务业绩,在充满挑战的宏观经济环境下,业绩好坏参半。该公司宣布,该季度的收入为5.34亿美元,调整后的EBITDA为4600万美元。 尽管由于经济因素和医疗保健行业的需求减少,TTEC的Engage业务出现了下滑,但随着新企业客户的赢得和经常性管理服务的增长,TTEC的数字业务显示出了弹性





  • TTEC 2024年第二季度的收入为5.34亿美元,调整后的EBITDA为4600万美元。
  • Engage部门的收入下降了13.5%,而Digital部门的收入下降了1%,但在经常性管理服务方面有所增长。
  • TTEC正在经历转型预计第二季度将是Engage业务的逆风高峰。
  • 公司赢得了新的大型企业客户,并专注于多元化和地域扩张。
  • TTEC正在实施成本优化计划,目标是今年节省1000万美元,从2025年开始每年节省3000万美元。
  • Engage的全年收入预期已被修正为下降8-12%数字段的整数执行。
  • 该公司将于2025年扩大其海外业务,特别是在南非。


  • TTEC有更新展望2024年的财务前景,预计医疗保健和公共部门将面临挑战,但其他垂直领域将出现增长。
  • 该公司致力于恢复整体收入增长和正常的EBITDA运行率。


  • Engage部门正在努力应对需求下降,特别是来自医疗保健行业客户的需求下降。
  • TTEC的收入和利润指导比其每股收益指导减少得更多,后者受到成本优化行动的影响。


  • TTEC数码有限公司继续吸引新客户并扩大其合作伙伴生态系统,目前正在实施100多项人工智能技术。
  • 该公司正在赢得竞争性投标,并利用离岸扩张来保护公司ntract盈利能力。


  • TTEC报告称,与去年相比,收入下降了11%。
  • 该公司正面临一个大型公共部门项目的延迟,该项目有望实现其原有的经济效益年底前的经济目标。


  • TTEC讨论了供应商公司行业内的整合作为竞争优势。
  • 该公司专注于获得有潜力扩大规模并成为顶级客户的新企业客户。
  • 首席执行官Ken Tuchman强调了TTEC对商业机会的针对性方法,旨在成为特定市场的顶级供应商。



TTEC控股有限公司(TTEC Holdings, Inc.,简称TTEC)的股票表现大幅波动,反映出该公司在业务运营中遇到的更广泛挑战。根据InvestingPro的数据,TTEC目前的市值约为2.1401亿美元,这表明了该公司在近期事件中的估值。尽管遭遇挫折,但仍有一线希望可以考虑:截至2024年第一季度,TTEC过去12个月的市净率为0.36,这可能表明该股相对于其账面价值被低估了。这可能特别适用于价值导向的投资者,他们在寻求资产价格可能低于其内在价值的机会。




全反式脚本- TTEC控股公司(TTEC) 2024年第二季度:

接线员:欢迎大家参加TTEC 2024年第二季度财报电话会议。我想提醒各位,在问答环节之前,你们将处于只听模式。应TTEC的要求,本次通话正在录音。现在我想把电话交给Paul Miller, TTEC的高级副总裁,财务主管和投资者关系官。谢谢,先生,你可以开始了。

保罗·米勒:早上好,感谢大家今天的到来。TTEC正在主持此次电话会议,讨论截至2024年6月30日的第二季度业绩。参加今天电话会议的有:TTEC董事长兼首席执行官Ken Tuchman和TTEC总裁兼首席执行官Shelly Swanback;Kenny Wagers TTEC首席财务官。昨天,TTEC发布了一份新闻稿,宣布了其财务业绩。虽然本次电话会议将反映该文件中讨论的项目,但要了解我们财务业绩的完整信息,我们也鼓励您阅读我们在10-Q表格上的2024年第二季度有序报告。在我们开始之前,我想提醒大家,今天电话会议中讨论的事项可能包括与我们的经营业绩、财务目标和业务前景有关的前瞻性陈述,这些陈述是基于管理层目前的信念和假设。请注意,这些前瞻性陈述反映了我们在本次电话会议召开之日的观点,我们没有义务因为出现新的发展而修改这一语调。前瞻性陈述受到各种风险、不确定性和其他因素的影响,这些因素可能导致我们的实际结果与今天的预期和描述存在重大差异。有关我们风险因素的更详细描述,请查看我们的2023年10-K表格年度报告。本次电话会议的重播将在我们的投资者关系网站上提供。现在我把电话交给肯。

肯·塔奇曼:早上好,感谢大家今天的到来。在今年早些时候的财报电话会议上,我们表示,2024年将是TTEC转型和发展的一年。随着我们扩大多元化战略和成本优化计划,宏观经济环境继续给我们的Engage业务带来不利影响,而我们的数字业务继续取得坚实的成果。让我从第二季度的业绩开始。收入为5.34亿美元,在非公认会计准则基础上,我们调整后的EBITDA为4600万美元。这是本季度的重点。我们记录了Engage业务的商誉减值,这是由我们的市值下降引发的。这一非现金费用对我们的GAAP业绩产生了重大影响,详见我们的新闻稿,Kenny将很快对此进行讨论。现在让我分享一下Engage业务的最新进展。尽管目前的经济,不好意思,尽管当前的宏观经济环境充满活力,我们仍然为赢得新的大型企业客户的持续势头感到鼓舞。这些新客户是我们战略的核心,我们的战略是在我们目前尚未渗透的行业中多样化我们的客户组合,并且我们看到了坚实的增长机会。与所有新客户一样,我们最近在电子商务、零售、媒体和财产和意外伤害保险领域的成功需要时间来扩大规模。这些新的企业客户有潜力在短期内成长为顶级客户,这是基于他们在客户体验外包行业的历史支出。然而,当我们展望下半年时,由于经济前景疲软,我们的嵌入式基地的需求并没有像最初预测的那样形成。这在我们最大的行业——医疗保健行业尤为明显。近20年来,我们对医疗保健付款客户进行了可靠的预测和持续的季节性增长。今年,医疗保健行业正面临着成本的急剧增长,这造成了巨大的预算压力。因此,虽然一些客户仍在敲定他们的季节性斜坡,但我们预计今年的交易量将大大低于之前的水平。考虑到整体环境,我们已经采取了额外的重大行动来改善我们的成本结构,同时不影响我们继续为客户及其客户提供高质量成果的能力。由于这些不利因素,在Engage中,我们更新了2024年全年的财务展望,以更好地反映当前挑战和机遇的平衡。肯尼将很快分享具体细节。现在来看看TTEC Digital。随着客户体验技术部门的多元化,我们已经从一家专注于CXaaS的领先专家发展成为一家多维客户体验转型合作伙伴,拥有广泛的联络中心、CRM、人工智能和分析解决方案组合。今年,我们的合作伙伴和技术生态系统的数量翻了一番,现在我们拥有完整的客户体验能力,将我们的业务推进到2025年及以后。今天,我们在TTEC Digital的核心优势是我们在客户体验技术堆栈各个方面的专业知识,以及我们将不同平台集成到一个有凝聚力、无缝的客户体验操作系统中的能力,包括最新的人工智能。我们的团队正在执行100多个支持人工智能的项目,并围绕提高效率、收入增长和改善客户体验进行具体的业务案例。展望未来,客户体验市场将继续引人注目,我们仍然对我们作为人工智能客户体验技术和服务的领先和值得信赖的合作伙伴的地位感到兴奋。我们不断吸引新客户,被公认为最佳工作场所,并被行业分析师和媒体公认为行业创新者。尽管我们取得了进展,但不用说,我对我们的财务业绩和对今年剩余时间的修订前景感到失望。随着我们进入2025年,我相信我们的多元化举措将带来更大的财务业绩,包括更广泛的客户群、更多的离岸收入、更广泛的客户解决方案和更深入的合作伙伴生态系统。现在,我把电话交给谢利。

Shelly Swanback: Good morning, everyone. As Ken mentioned, we're in the midst of a transition year, navigating headwinds in the macroeconomic environment and making progress as we execute on our overall diversification strategy. I'll start by discussing the current factors impacting the performance of the Engage business. First, some of our embedded base clients have revised their volume forecast for the second half of the year. The decline is especially prominent in our biggest vertical, healthcare. Several of our healthcare payer clients are reacting to increased budget pressure and have made recent decisions which are impacting our seasonal volumes. In addition, one of our healthcare clients decided to delay a large growth initiative. Second, challenges in a large public sector program caused by external factors, including a delay in the client system conversion, will create a short-term drag on our profitability and delay the full program ramp. We're working with our clients through these issues and expect to get back to the anticipated financial profile entering next year. And third, we exited some underperforming client programs that in the short term will impact the top line but ultimately improve our profitability. Moving on to progress updates, diversifying our Engage business. While the market remains competitive, we're winning new enterprise clients and expanding with new solutions for our embedded base. As we continue to diversify our client portfolio, our primary focus is on opportunities where we can successfully deliver a quality solution and programs that have the potential to scale and grow profitably. This quarter, our strategic wins with enterprise clients include a large financial services institution and a multinational home improvement manufacturer and retailer. We're on track this year to add a dozen new enterprise clients, diversified across our core verticals as well as emerging verticals like retail, e-commerce, media and technology. While these programs initially start small, they provide the opportunity for scale in the future. We expect several of our new clients to become Top 20 [ph] clients in the future. We continue to see strong demand in our new geographies with anchor clients driving growth in several regions. This quarter, we began ramping a major healthcare client in South Africa and a financial services brand in Egypt. With strong client demand and more than half of our pipeline comprised of offshore opportunities, we continue to expand in these regions. Our banking financial services and insurance practice is healthy and performing well. We're diversifying with our embedded base and have recently won new lines of business that will ramp up later this year with 2 of our largest clients. For example, with one of these clients, we're expanding our work to include back-office services. Regarding new enterprise BFSI clients. We have recently launched 2 and we'll launch 2 more in Q3. We're focused on scaling these new programs as well as pursuing expansion opportunities. For example, with the new offshore client we launched late Q4 last year, we have added 5 new solutions, including care, workforce management, tech support, knowledge management and quality assurance. In our healthcare vertical, we have some early momentum, diversifying our solutions and expanding our reach from member experience to patient experience, targeting the provider landscape. We have several late-stage opportunities with provider organizations to support them with our offshore footprint, spanning a wide range of solutions, including patient credentialing, claims and clinical nurse support. Across industries, we continue to make progress in a number of areas tied to the practical use of AI. Through a combination of technology partnerships and our own internal engineering teams, we're applying AI across the entire employee life cycle. For example, we're seeing good results, leveraging AI to accelerate curriculum design and increase training effectiveness which helps to reduce ramp times and increase speed to proficiency. Our private LOM called Let Me Know which is built on Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) technology, is now being deployed in several client environments, including our travel and public sector verticals. In addition, we're using AI-enhanced voice translation to extend the reach of our optimized geographic footprint as we create digital multilingual hubs. Moving on to an update on our cost optimization initiatives. We recently executed on several programs that will deliver approximately $10 million of in-year savings and annualized savings of at least $30 million starting in 2025. With a guiding principle of maintaining our high-quality delivery standards, we're implementing new ways of working using technology and improved processes to transform our delivery cost structure across the enterprise. We have also recently strengthened our leadership team with tenured industry hires to accelerate our efforts and advance our performance in key areas. Now, I'll switch gears to TTEC Digital. While the demand environment is somewhat tempered, our value proposition continues to resonate with clients. As Ken mentioned, our expansion of solutions and partnerships beyond CXaaS to adjacencies like CRM, AI and analytics, enabling us to broaden our impact with new and existing clients and will fuel the momentum in our professional services growth. As we continue to expand our partner ecosystem, we expect several of our new emerging partnerships to play a more meaningful role starting in 2025. Our pipeline remains strong and we're on pace to close 60 new clients this year. Additionally, close to 80% of digital bookings this past quarter were with existing clients and the number of clients that we build more than $1 million annually is continuing to grow. Let me share a couple of client examples. After helping a global mobility company optimize its CXaaS platform, we're now unlocking actionable insights from AI-based conversational intelligence to clarify act and act on drivers of content, volume spikes and the effectiveness of their automations. For a healthcare payer, we're building on their cloud migration to integrate AI-enabled knowledge assist and call summarization to improve the effectiveness of their clinical care support advocates. And for a luxury retail brand, we're creating a unified desktop leveraging AI that combines interaction history and profile data, so their customer concierge team can proactively provide personalized white glove support. These are just 3 examples of more than 100 AI technology implementations with clients that are underway. Our clients are looking to us for practical applications of AI and we're currently building solutions for more than 40% of our top 100 clients. The hyperscalers and leading CX technology providers play a key role in our CX ecosystem working as strategic partners, we're helping them optimize their development road maps, build pipeline and deliver complex implementations. Because of our deep CX technology and operational expertise, clients are depending on us to help them eliminate silos within their organization. We bridged the gap between technology partners, business functions and operating groups in order to simplify the associate and customer experience. In the same way we connect the dots for our clients, we're facilitating collaboration with tech partners to deliver the best outcomes for our shared clients. In conclusion, while we're disappointed in our financial results, we continue to make progress on our diversification strategy. We're growing our geographic footprint, winning new business, expanding our solutions and partnerships. In addition, we're taking the necessary cost and margin improvement actions to strengthen our financial profile, in order to return to overall revenue growth and a normalized EBITDA run rate. As a management team, we're confident in our path forward and resolute in executing on our strategy and improvement initiatives. On behalf of our Board, leadership and our employees around the world, we look forward to continuing to show our progress in the quarters to come. Kenny, over to you to share our second quarter financial results and updated full year outlook.

Kenny Wagers: Thank you, Shelly and good morning. I will start with a review of our second quarter financial results before providing context in our updated full year 2024 financial outlook. In my discussion on the second quarter financial results, reference to revenue is on a GAAP basis, while EBITDA, operating income and earnings per share are on a non-GAAP adjusted basis. A full reconciliation of our GAAP to non-GAAP results is included in the tables attached to our earnings press release. Turning to our second quarter 2024 financial results. On a consolidated basis for the second quarter of 2024 compared to the prior year period. Revenue was $534 million compared to $600 million, a decrease of 11% adjusted EBITDA was $46 million or 8.7% of revenue compared to $67 million or 11.2%. Operating income was $30 million or 5.5% of revenue compared to $51 million or 8.4%. And EPS was $0.14 compared to $0.55. Foreign exchange had a negative $1.8 million impact on revenue in the second quarter over the prior year period while positively impacting operating income by $0.8 million, primarily in our Engage segment. In our Digital business, we delivered upon our second quarter plan supported by CX demand from clients across multiple industries. In our TTEC Engage business, our performance was at the low end of our range of our expectations with challenges in the public sector program already discussed by Shelly and lower bookings due to the factors already covered by Ken. Turning to our second quarter 2024 segment results. Our Digital segment second quarter 2024 revenue was $116 million. While it represents a decrease of 1% over the prior year period, digital revenue grew quarter-over-quarter by approximately 4%, reflecting the backlog conversion of our strong bookings. Recurring managed services which represents 60% of Digital's revenue continues to deliver solid growth, increasing nearly 8% year-over-year and 6% sequentially. The strongest contribution continues to come from our CXaaS practices. Due to the tale of softer bookings in 2023, professional services revenue declined from the prior year but is up 11% from the first quarter of 2024, driven by the recent quarter's improved bookings. As previously communicated, the onetime on-premise related revenue is declining as demand is shifting to cloud migration, resulting in an 8% year-over-year revenue decline in the first half of 2024. Operating income was $15 million or 12.8% of revenue in the second quarter of 2024, relatively unchanged over the prior year in both absolute and relative terms. The temporary lower revenue contribution was offset by reduced SG&A from the prior year. Digital's backlog for the full year is $450 million or 85% of our 2024 revenue guidance at the midpoint, in line with the prior year. The strong backlog and pipeline continue to demonstrate the importance of TTEC Digital CX technology and service solutions to our clients. Our Engage segment revenue decreased 13.5% to $418 million in the second quarter of 2024 over the prior year period. Operating income was $15 million or 3.5% of revenue compared to $36 million or 7.4% of revenue in the prior year. Our second quarter performance was at the low end of the range of our expectations due to the challenges with the public sector program mentioned earlier and softer revenue. I will address the impact of the public sector program for the balance of the year in the segment's outlook in my closing remarks. Regarding Engage's pipeline. The quality of opportunities remain strong. And while we see encouraging signs based on clients' discussion around CX delivery strategies, near term, clients continue to prioritize initiatives that will yield cost savings in year and postpone new investments or more meaningful CX transformations to 2025. Engage's last 12-month revenue retention rate was 89% compared to 96% in the prior year. The decline is primarily explained by the prior year revenue reduction in our hypergrowth portfolio and the impact from 1 large client in financial services, exiting one of their lines of business supported by TTEC previously mentioned. We are doubling down our efforts with measurable actions to strengthen our foundation and increase the company's profitability. This includes initiatives to improve our operating efficiencies at the client program level, in addition to broader actions to align our corporate cost structure with forecasted revenue to become more agile and efficient by changing the way we work. The related restructuring charge in the second quarter is associated with this plan, largely completed in the third quarter. These actions are anticipated to reduce our operating costs by approximately $30 million on an annualized end of year exit rate, benefiting both gross and operating margins. Before I discuss other financial metrics, I will address the non-cash goodwill impairment charge and the related tax adjustment recorded in the second quarter. In ordinary course, we performed goodwill impairment analyses, in accordance with GAAP on an annual basis or more frequently if indicators of impairment exists. During our second quarter, we performed a quantitative goodwill impairment analysis triggered by the decline in our market capitalization. based on this analysis which reflects upon financial projections and market-based metrics, the fair value of our Engage reporting unit decreased below its carrying value and as such, resulted in $196 million non-cash pre-tax impairment charge. Our digital reporting unit's fair value remains in excess of the respective book values and are not impacted by the impairment. The Engage impairment resulted in a deferred tax asset of $38 million which was subsequently included in a valuation allowance recorded for tax assets, creating a net incremental $46 million income tax charge recorded during the second quarter. Please refer to our Form 10-Q for more details on the impairment and related tax impact. While impactful from a GAAP reporting perspective, the impairment and the tax valuation allowance were a non-cash expense and do not impact our strategy and capabilities or the value of our CX solutions. These charges are normalized in our non-GAAP reconciliation calculations. I will now share other second quarter 2024 metrics before discussing our outlook. Free cash flow was $35 million in the second quarter of 2024 compared to $77 million in the prior year. The year-over-year variance is the result of lower profitability and working capital conversion. Capital expenditures were $14 million or 2.7% of revenue for the second quarter of 2024 compared to $19 million or 3.2% in the prior year, with most expenses related to our geographic expansion. Our normalized tax rate was 33.7% in the second quarter of 2024 compared to 22.3% in the prior year. The increase is primarily a function of lower pre-tax income and jurisdiction mix. As of June 30, 2024, cash was $80 million with $933 million of debt, of which $930 million represented borrowings under our amended $1.2 billion credit facility. Net debt increased $49 million over the prior year to $853 million, primarily associated with geographic expansion investments, higher interest expense and capital distributions, partially offset by positive cash flow from operations. We ended the quarter with a net debt-to-EBITDA ratio of 3.8x. As discussed last quarter, beyond returning the company to sustainable long-term organic growth Shelly and I are taking prudent actions to improve our cash flow and strengthen our balance sheet. These actions start with the continuous cost improvement initiatives, reprioritization of our capital allocation strategy and optimization of our working capital. We also took additional measures to increase our financial flexibility under our current credit facility. Turning to our updated outlook in my closing remarks. You may recall that we moved to providing guidance on an annual basis during this transition period with directional commentary for each quarter as viewed appropriate. Last quarter's commentary pertaining to the second quarter outlook remains accurate. We still see the second quarter as the transition of our engaged performance in 2024 as we: one, worked through the peak of our previously mentioned headwinds in our business; and two, further execute upon meaningful cost optimization initiatives which are well underway in the third quarter. However, the lower demand environment continues to have a larger impact on our Engage revenue trend for the remainder of the year. The Engage revenue is now expected to decline from 8% to 12% at the midpoint of the updated guidance range. As a result, we are revisiting the company's full year guidance on both the top and bottom line, due to the revised engaged outlook. That said, we continue to build a healthier 2024 exit rate to the Engage business as operations in the public sector program normalize, guidance for digital are minimal with delays to launch some projects impacting the top line, offset by stronger execution that increases our profitability expectations from an EBITDA margin of 14.5% to 15% at the midpoint of our guidance. Please reference our commentary in the Business Outlook section of our second quarter 2024 earnings press release to obtain our expectations for our updated 2024 full year guidance at the consolidated and segment level. In closing, we met many of our transitional year objectives in the first half of 2024, while continuing to navigate a dynamic demand environment. In TTEC Digital, the acceleration of new partnerships continues to strengthen and diversify an already strong foundation and is noticeable with our sequential growth quarter-over-quarter. In TTEC Engage, we are ramping new enterprise client programs across our CX technology-enabled solutions and expanded geographic footprint while working through select near-term headwinds and executing upon our profit optimization initiatives. We remain committed to returning the Engage segment and TTEC as a whole to long-term organic growth and increased profitability. I will now turn the call back to Paul.


接线员:[接线员说明]我们的第一个问题来自Craig-Hallum公司的George Sutton。

George Sutton: Kenny,我想知道这其中有多少是你在某种程度上、形式上或形式上归功于人工智能,因为人工智能不一定会影响到你的业务范围,但它确实会挤占公司的注意力,使公司能够推进其他可能对你的业务产生积极影响的举措?






Shelly Swanback:麦琪,我认为毫无疑问,这是一个竞争激烈的环境。我想说的是,特别是对于那些愿意牺牲质量换取价格的公司来说。当然,我们会根据需要一次性处理这些情况。我想告诉你的是,我们正在引进的十几个新的企业客户,我们对我们将为这些客户所做的工作,以及与他们的商业结构感到非常满意,我们希望这些业务能够增加我们的核心业务。从这个角度来看,我们感觉很好。但毫无疑问,这是一个竞争激烈的价格环境,尤其是那些预算有限的公司,他们可能愿意为了价格而牺牲质量。


Shelly Swanback:是的,当然。它们都是竞争性的胜利,对吧,我认为,在每一个案例中都是这样。所以我们对此感觉很好。它结合了我们的垂直专业知识,以及我们过去几个季度一直在谈论的扩大的地理足迹。我再强调一下。其中一些胜利是在我们所谓的核心垂直领域,我们有很好的垂直专业知识,医疗保健BFSI,我们的一些最大的实践。但令人兴奋的是,还有新的垂直领域。一个大型电子商务平台,几个零售领域的新客户。我们已经和一些奢侈品牌在零售领域做了一些很好的合作,在媒体领域取得了新的胜利,在垂直科技领域也有了新的机会。因此,我们非常重视业务多元化,我认为我们对这些胜利的广度感到满意。当然,他们很有竞争力。

接线员:下一个问题来自Northland Capital Markets的Mike Latimore。

Mike Latimore:在数字业务中,你提到有一些项目延迟。你能详细说明一下吗?是什么造成的,是什么技术?


Mike Latimore:这与宏观经济有关吗?他们只是需要找到预算来推进还是?



Shelly Swanback:不,我认为这些只是具体的——这是一些具体的客户情况。

Mike Latimore:好的。明白了。我知道你们不提供季度指导,但在数字方面,指导是否意味着今年将以10%左右的速度增长?

Kenny Wagers:是的。显然,我们不提供季度指引。但我想说的是,我们即将退出2024年。同样,我们还在研究2025年我们还不会对2025年发表评论但是你们已经在这个范围内了。

Mike Latimore:好的。然后在Engage上,新logo的预订是否如预期的那样?还是他们也来晚了一点?




Pallav Saini:我是Pallav Saini,我找Joe。首先,你能给我们介绍一下你在供应商整合方面看到的最新情况吗?事情还按照你的预期发展吗?或者你认为这不是一个重要的因素?

Shelly Swanback:我认为你的问题与Engage业务更相关。供应商整合,这是你想问的吗?

Pallav Saini:是的。


Pallav Saini:明白了。以及今年医疗保健行业的疲软。这些不利因素明年是否还会持续?还是你很有信心这种情况只会出现在今年?












Shelly Swanback:不好意思,我们要扩展什么?









Shelly Swanback:当然,我们不会分享很多具体的客户细节。我只想告诉你,这是一个大型的公共部门项目。这是一份多年的合同,我们将为客户提供多项服务。我们也必须——他们也有其他供应商提供一些技术。目前出现了一些我们无法控制的延误,短期内确实会影响我们在这里的运营,我们正在与客户一起解决这些问题。但考虑到目前的挑战,全面启动项目以及技术转换方面的一些早期挑战,同样,我们所做的事情对今年没有影响。但我有信心我们会度过这些难关。我们预计我们将达到最初预期的项目经济性,我们将在今年年底达到目标,并在2025年达到更好的状态。仅限于一个特定的客户项目,乔纳森。在我们的公共部门业务中,这不是一个广泛的问题。


Shelly Swanback:同样,我的意思是我们显然必须——所有这些胜利都是竞争性的胜利。但我们正在利用我们新的海外扩张足迹。因此,我们对即将为这些客户所做的工作感到非常满意,而且我们的核心业务的利润率也在不断增长。因此,我们正在取得胜利,我们对他们将为我们的业务带来什么感到非常兴奋。这确实是跨越,我的意思是跨越,这些胜利是跨越行业的,对吧?他们不是只专注于一类客户,这些都是大企业,我们认为其中许多客户在未来几年可以成为这里的前20大客户。


接线员:谢谢你的问题。这就是我们今天的全部内容。TTEC 2024年第二季度财报电话会议就此结束。此时您可以断开连接。



