财报电话会议:MultiPlan 2024年第二季度业绩显示其致力于长期增长

   日期:2024-08-05     来源:大智报    浏览:4    
核心提示:医疗成本管理解决方案提供商MultiPlan Corporation(纽约证券交易所代码:MPLN)公布了其2024年第二季度收益,揭示了挑战和战略进步的混合。首席执行官特拉维斯·道尔顿承认财务结果低于预期,但对未来的增长持乐观态度。该公司正在向以数据和技术为中心的方法转型,投资于增强客户能力和开发透明度产品。尽管收入同比下降1.9%,至2.335亿美元,但MultiPlan的销售额增长了8%,其

医疗成本管理解决方案提供商MultiPlan Corporation(纽约证券交易所代码:MPLN)公布了其2024年第二季度收益,揭示了挑战和战略进步的混合。首席执行官特拉维斯·道尔顿承认财务结果低于预期,但对未来的增长持乐观态度。该公司正在向以数据和技术为中心的方法转型,投资于增强客户能力和开发透明度产品。尽管收入同比下降1.9%,至2.335亿美元,但MultiPlan的销售额增长了8%,其产品线也实现了两位数的增长。公司还宣布首席财务官Jim Head离职,任命Doug Garis为他的继任者。


  • MultiPlan第二季度收入同比下降1.9%,至2.335亿美元。
  • 销售额增长了8%,2024年上半年实现了两位数的增长。
  • 该公司增加了四个新客户,并庆祝了一项关键的TPA胜利。
  • 新产品Plan Optics和BenInsights成功销售,成为BenInsights的第一个供应商客户。
  • MultiPlan将其2024年全年收入预期调整至9.35亿美元至9.55亿美元之间。
  • 一个没有在进行减值测试后,记录了5.537亿美元的Ncash减值费用。
  • 首席财务官交接宣布,Doug Garis将于8月接任。
  • 该公司计划优先投资业务和减少债务,而不是并购和股票回购。
  • MultiPlan希望如此。核心业务持续增长至2025年中期,目标是核心业务增长4-5%,新产品增长8-10%。


  • MultiPlan预计,到2025年中期,其核心业务将保持增长。
  • 该公司的目标是专注于有机投资和债务削减。
  • 长期增长目标包括核心网外增长4-5%,新产品增长8-10%。


  • 该公司的财务业绩没有达到预期。
  • 有一个不2024年第二季度的现金减值支出为5.537亿美元。
  • 第二季度杠杆自由现金流为负700万美元。


  • 销售额同比增长了8%,产品线增长了两位数。
  • 该公司获得了新客户和产品奖。
  • 由于容量问题和医疗保健通胀,预计价格和数量将逐步增加。


  • 与2023年第二季度相比,2024年第二季度的收入下降了1.9%。
  • 该公司录得巨额亏损现金减值费用。
  • 营收收益率出现了一些波动pt谨慎。


  • 该公司预计销量环境将保持稳定或改善政府和收益稳定。
  • 没有数量承诺或co导致程序损耗的非合同问题。
  • 现在提供2025年的详细收入前景还为时过早,但预计未来会有更多可见性。




  • 管理层激进的股票回购策略可能预示着公司的破产对公司未来前景的信心,尽管挑战反映在最近的财务业绩中。这种行为通常表明管理层认为股票被低估,代表了对股东价值的承诺。
  • 该公司的估值表明,其自由现金流收益率很高,对于寻找有可能产生现金的公司的投资者来说,这可能是一个有吸引力的点。这是特别相关的,因为MultiPlan侧重于过渡宁转向以数据和技术为主导的方法,这可能会增加未来的现金流。
  • MultiPlan的股票经历了巨大的波动,在过去的一周遭受了巨大的打击,但在过去的一个月里表现出了强劲的回报。这种波动凸显了投资者参与的必要性同时考虑短期市场走势和长期业绩趋势评估他们的投资决策。

与本文特别相关的InvestingPro Data指标包括:

  • 市值:截至上次更新例如,MultiPlan的市值为2.216亿美元,这一关键数字反映了该公司在市场上的价值。
  • 收入增长:在过去的12个月里,该公司的收入小幅下降了1.16%,与文章中报道的收入挑战相符。
  • 营业利润率:在过去的12个月里,MultiPlan的营业利润率为15.79%,这是公司运营的一个关键指标效率和盈利能力。


全反式丘吉尔资本III公司(MPLN) 2024年第二季度:


Shawna Gasik:谢谢你,Harry。早上好,欢迎来到MultiPlan 2024年第二季度财报电话会议。我们今天的主讲人是首席执行官Travis Dalton;首席财务官Jim Head。首席运营官Jerry Hogge将出席问答环节。电话会议正在进行网络直播,可以通过我们网站的投资者关系部分访问。在我们的电话会议中,我们将参考我们网站投资者关系部分提供的补充幻灯片,以及今天上午早些时候发布的2024年第二季度收益新闻稿。在我们开始之前,有几点提醒。我们今天的发言和对问题的回答可能包括前瞻性陈述。这些前瞻性陈述仅代表本电话会议召开之日管理层的信念和期望。由于一些风险,实际结果可能与这些前瞻性陈述存在重大差异。这些风险的总结可以在补充幻灯片的第二页找到,也可以在我们的10-K表格年度报告和我们向美国证券交易委员会提交的其他文件中找到更完整的描述。我们还将参考一些非公认会计准则指标,我们认为这些指标可以让投资者更全面地了解MultiPlan的潜在经营业绩。这些非公认会计准则指标的解释以及与可比的公认会计准则指标的对账可以在收益新闻稿和补充幻灯片中找到。说到这里,我现在把电话交给我们的首席执行官特拉维斯·道尔顿。特拉维斯?

Travis Dalton: Thank you, Shawna and good morning to all of you on the call. Thank you for your time today. I recently completed my first 100 days in my first full quarter here at MultiPlan. I know more now than I did coming in, have validated my view on several aspects of the company, continue to learn and I'm convinced we will execute on our evolution and transformation over time. I would like to share my reflections on the business with you today. It goes without saying it's been an interesting time to join the company and I'm more committed than ever to our transformational journey. That journey must begin with an honest assessment and a brutal confrontation of the facts. I'm exceedingly proud of our commitment to clients and relentless pursuit of service excellence. That is a very good thing. However, the fact is that financial results matter and our simply haven't been consistent, predictable or good enough, we must perform better. By now, many of you have had the opportunity to review our second quarter financial results and our updated full year guidance. Those results fell short of the expectations set entering the year. Our revised outlook is more fully aligned with the current realities of our business in the short term. But underlying that, I am encouraged by some key indications of progress and even more so by significant opportunities for growth in the mid- and long-term. All of that said I am as excited as I have been since joining this great company. We have a clear, compelling vision and strategy forming for the future. We have great clients and long-standing relationships, an operating plan to execute better as we move forward, a current product portfolio that delivers value, a clearly defined set of new product opportunities, untapped technology and data assets and a team of incredibly talented and dedicated professionals. We have a strong business foundation, we generate cash flow and we have ample time to make progress. Our transformation requires a deep commitment to change, a sense of urgency and decisive actions, showing meaningful progress. It may take a bit longer than we had hoped but I'm confident we can and will execute. Simply put, we know what to do to make this a world-class data and technology company that operates with more rigorous process, increased discipline and enhanced organic product capability that drives more value for more clients across more markets. Over time, this will lead to sustainable growth. In a moment, I will share some of the encouraging progress that we're making and I very much look forward to an opportunity to share with you my comprehensive vision for our transformation and an integrated strategic, operational and financial plan in detail in the coming quarters. As I mentioned on our last earnings call, we have established a core operating framework to ensure that we more consistently achieve our results over time. Before I speak to the progress we've made against that framework, I would like to address a few key issues right up front. First, the overhang of media scrutiny has been an ongoing challenge. We have addressed it head-on, engaged directly with stakeholders, updated our value proposition and we'll continue to do so proactively. We have established a corporate and government affairs team, inclusive of world-class public relations and lobbying representation and we'll continue to protect our reputation to defend our business against misinformation of false narratives and educate healthcare stakeholders about the value that we provide. We will actively use our voice to support the aims of healthcare quality, price transparency and cost control. Next, we continue to confront with openness and transparency the legal claims against us which we believe are without merit and are an attempt to misuse the law in a way that will ultimately increase prices for patients and employers. The data is very clear that MultiPlan which operates in a highly competitive environment, makes healthcare more affordable for consumers, offer services across the entire continuum seeks to eliminate or reduce balance bills and supports price transparency in the No Surprises Act. We are confident that the facts clearly support the merits of our products and the important role our company plays in the healthcare ecosystem. Next, we have faced a series of onetime environmental challenges that have impacted our clients, our claims flow and our results. These included the clearinghouse destruction which continue to affect us through the first half of the second quarter. We will continue to navigate these challenges and support our clients as we do. Next, it's taken longer to generate commercial traction with our new product initiatives than anticipated. However, I am confident that the demand is there, the pipeline is growing and the operating plan I mentioned earlier will get us back on track. Finally, we believe the prices of our products and services are competitively positioned in the marketplace across the spectrum of our clients, large and small. With the exception of an attrition overhang related to one of our larger clients, we have been growing at a mid-single-digit rate across the remainder of our customer base. While we now expect this attrition to constrain growth until mid-2025, at that point, the way should finally be clear for us to show growth in our core business. We have remarkable clients. It is our imperative to relentlessly develop and deliver new value for them. We will continue doing that because we are proud to serve them and because doing so will sustain our success. After the value we provide in the market before I joined MultiPlan, I served providers for 21 years. In light of that, I had to ask myself the question is MultiPlan good for healthcare? I am as confident as ever that the answer is yes, unequivocally. We have a clear point of view validated by facts. We are explicitly articulating that to stakeholders across our corporate communication channels, including our investor website. We will continue to communicate proactively and aggressively in support of our mission to make healthcare more transparent, fair and affordable for all. Getting back to how we intend to move forward; in support of our vision to transform into a data and technology forward organization with an aggressive growth mindset, we are actively engaged across the company in a 5-year strategic and resource planning exercise. This process which is being led by our Chief Operating Officer, includes assessing our market potential, evaluating our current set of products, sharpening new product development, fortifying our sales and go-to-market strategies and clearly articulating our plan with precision, both internally and externally. This will allow us to remain laser-focused on executing now but also prepare for the next through products and business development. Our vision builds on a strong foundation that includes our analytics-based services, 1.4 million provider network, Payment Integrity products, HST Value-Driven Health Plans and data and decision science capabilities and price transparency, risk analytics, supplemental insurance and other areas, building a resource and capital allocation with precision, along with developing and the hearings of a robust and well-conceived annual operating plan will help us realize our vision and maximize those results. Delivering on that vision will be all about execution. We will be focused on our operating principles, clarity of purpose, alignment of talent and focus on KPIs and accountability. And we will be focusing on getting fit for growth with the process rigor worthy of a great public company. Let me take each of these in turn. Clarity, we've made significant progress updating our message set and value proposition. We refreshed our external messaging, website and educated many key stakeholders. We will continue to be vocal on the role we play across the healthcare ecosystem. Alignment; we have added significant talent and aligned clear accountability with the authority to operate. We've added a Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs, a Vice President of Government Affairs, a Chief Data Scientist, a national sales leader, additional new market sales talent and we have an incoming CFO. Combined with our existing talent, we have a team that is committed to and capable of accelerating our transformation. Focus; we have rounded out our set of 41 KPIs and have a clear tracking mechanism with accountable owners to ensure we execute on our strategies. This will allow us to take prudent real-time decisions and monitor forward indicators of progress against our goals. As we advance clarity, alignment and focus, becoming Fit for Growth will encompass two key areas: process rigor, discipline and insights. We have established data-driven bookings forecast, an annual operating plan, monthly operating cadence and product life cycle management approach. We have much work to do but this will yield more predictable results for the business and enable us to make more and better products over time, laser-focused on where we put our time, energy and money. The processes noted are all in support of clear allocation of resources. They will enable us to make sound and timely decisions around expense and capital outlays that deliver better quarterly performance and create long-term value. They will help us prioritize investments in those products and initiatives that are most important to grow that have the highest market potential over time. We are investing today in a few key areas: enhanced capabilities for our core clients as identified at the start of this year, we will continue to seek opportunities to better serve our clients. This is job number 1. Investing in our data architecture to provide flexibility and extensibility in our technology stack. We will be able to more quickly iterate on internal projects and also potentially serve a platform-based ecosystem over time. Price transparency products and analytics serve the entire healthcare ecosystem. Assets acquired through our BST acquisition give us a strategic advantage. We have integrated BST to get more focused and we'll be aggressive in pursuit of this market opportunity. Internal automation with AI, starting with our NSA processes and continuing with other backlog of projects, more leveraged value as we progress. This is only the beginning. Over time, all of this will allow us to increase our total addressable market and diversify our customer base as we serve our national and regional payer clients, more aggressively deliver value for TPAs, brokers, consultants and plans sponsors, address opportunities in provider markets and deliver a data platform and analytics division that meaningfully expands the capabilities we offer in all of these markets. We will be persistent in driving better results. I am pleased with the energy and determination of the organization which has already resulted in better progress to support growth, demonstrated by several examples. We added four new logos in Q2 and had a key TPA win. Sales are up 8% year-over-year and our pipeline has grown by double digits in the first half, even with headwinds associated with the exogenous events that I mentioned earlier. Our Plan Optics product suite has been recognized with another key award for data and analytics and we continue to close sales of Plan Optics and BenInsights, including two additional in the second quarter across multiple sales channels. We closed our first provider client with BenInsights and predictive risk models. I will also be a keynote speaker at the Critical Access Hospital Conference hosted by the National Rural Health Association to highlight our transparency products and analytics. If we want to control cost in healthcare, enabling autonomy and access in rural America is a key component. We believe that we can help in many ways. We are focused and on track with our development roadmap with key products that serve our core client base. We held the first leadership interlock with our new product life cycle management discipline and with our teams identified 15 new product ideas and over 30 additional enhancements for consideration. We are moving quickly to evaluate those concepts against client needs and market potential to prioritize our efforts and maximize results. Likewise, we will continue to advance our partnership opportunities to extend market reach. As I mentioned, we added new senior talent in the quarter that we are able to attract these world-class professionals and that they want to be part of our journey as a strong endorsement of the company and the opportunity we have to unlock meaningful value over time. We know we operate in a competitive environment in an ever-changing environment. Our strategy, systems, processes and people have to be ready and able to succeed in that environment. That will require transformation. We will take it straight on and we have the determination to do so. In summary, as I noted at the outset, we realize our financial results have not met expectations. As a management team, we will confront that with brutal honesty. We know what work to do and I am confident over time and we have some but we can and will achieve sustainable results. We are working tirelessly to deliver a clear strategy for predictable and sustainable growth. As we move forward, I will communicate more detail around our strategic and capital allocation plan, one that is underpinned by the investment discipline, organizational alignment and execution focus needed to achieve that plan and is supported by investor disclosure that will allow you to hold us accountable. I look forward to demonstrating all of this to you in improving our say-do ratio. You are what your record says you are. Ours needs to get better and we will be relentless. I would like to turn it over to Jim to cover the details of our results. As disclosed this morning, Jim has decided to leave MultiPlan but will be staying with us in a strategic advisory role through the end of the year. Jim has been uncompromising in pursuit of service excellence for our clients, embodies our core values and is frankly just a straight shooter. The Board of Directors and I can't thank him enough. We will be welcoming Doug Garis as our CFO, starting August 5 and Doug will work closely with Jim through the end of the year to ensure a smooth transition. I have worked with Doug previously and I'm confident he is the right person to help carry us forward with our operating plan and has the execution skills we need to drive sustainable growth. I'm excited to work closely with him on realizing our potential. Let me turn it over to Jim.

Jim Head: Thanks, Travis and good morning, everyone. I would like to reiterate what Travis said. While growth is taking longer to materialize than we expected, we are making progress and we remain confident in the company's medium- and long-term prospects. Today, I will walk through the financial results for the second quarter of 2024. I will then turn to our outlook for the second half and provide updated guidance for full year '24. And finally, I'll close with a review of our balance sheet and capital allocation. As shown on page 4 of the supplemental deck, second quarter revenue was $233.5 million, a decrease of 1.9% from Q2 '23 and effectively flat sequentially. Our revenues fell just below the line of our guidance range for the quarter as a solid recovery in volumes was offset by volatility in our revenue yield and by slower-than-anticipated sales of our new products and services. Turning to revenues by service line as shown on page 5 of the supplemental deck, relative to Q1 '24, network-based revenues declined 0.9% sequentially or about $0.5 million, driven by continued softness in our complementary network and Property and Casualty businesses. Our analytics-based revenues were essentially flat sequentially, with strength in Data iSight offset by softness in our NSA volumes, including attrition related to a major employer plan served by one of our larger ASO clients. Our Payment and Revenue Integrity revenues declined 1.4% sequentially, driven by softness in our Prepayment Clinical Negotiation business, offset by continued strong growth in our post-paid portfolio. Versus the prior year quarter, network-based revenues declined 20%, analytics-based revenues grew 5.6% and Payment and Revenue Integrity revenues declined 5.3%. Excluding a $3.8 million contribution to revenues from BST which is reported in our analytics-based revenues, second quarter consolidated revenues were $229.7 million, effectively flat sequentially and down 2.6% from the prior year quarter. During the second quarter, we experienced solid growth in volumes of build charges and identified potential savings with June showing recovery from the clearinghouse cyber outage that continued to impact our claims flows through April and May. As shown on page 7 of the supplemental deck, total second quarter build charges increased 9% sequentially to $45.3 billion and identified potential savings increased 8% sequentially to $6.2 billion. As shown on page 8, in our core percentage of savings revenue model, identified potential savings increased 3% sequentially to $4.4 billion. With respect to the utilization environment, build charges from both facilities and physicians were up sequentially. We also note the data from some of the publicly traded hospital systems which suggested reasonable sequential strength in second quarter inpatient and outpatient surgeries but more sluggish trends in emergency room visits which on balance is a positive signal for our forward volumes given our typical claims lag. The sequential increase in our volumes was mostly offset by a decline in revenues as a percentage of identified savings or what we call revenue yield. As shown on page 8 of the supplemental deck, our revenue yield declined about 31 basis points sequentially for the overall business which includes both PSAV and PEPM. In our core percentage of savings revenue model which is approximately 90% of our revenues, our revenue yield fell about 14 basis points in the quarter which had an impact of about $6.3 million to our revenues. This included about 11 basis points or about $4.9 million of revenue decline from yield shifts and about 3 basis points or $1.5 million of incremental decline from customer credits that ended in Q2. Notably, none of the decline in our PSAV revenue yield was related to any contract changes with our customers, it was yield and mixed behavior within existing contracts. Turning to expenses; second quarter adjusted EBITDA expenses were $86.8 million, increasing $1.5 million from the prior year quarter and down $0.9 million sequentially. The increase of $1.5 million over Q2 '23 was primarily due to increases in personnel expenses related to increased employee headcount and year-over-year increases in compensation and related benefits, including increases in personnel costs from the acquisition of BST. For the sequential comparison, the $0.9 million decrease in adjusted EBITDA expenses reflected tight expense controls. Adjusted EBITDA was $146.7 million in Q2 '24, down 3.9% from $152.7 million in the prior year quarter and down 0.1% from $146.8 million in Q1. Our Q2 adjusted EBITDA was slightly above the lower end of our guidance range. Adjusted EBITDA margin was 62.8% in Q2 '24, up 20 basis points from 62.6% in Q1 and down from 64.2% in the prior year quarter. Our second quarter margin was modestly below the 63% to 64% range mentioned in our prior commentary and like adjusted EBITDA reflected the combination of lower-than-anticipated revenues and lower costs. Moving on to our outlook, as shown on page 9 of the supplemental earnings deck, we have revised our full year 2024 revenue guidance to $935 million to $955 million versus our prior guidance of $1.0 billion to $1.03 billion, reflecting sluggish growth in our core business and slower-than-anticipated new product sales. In summary, our revised full year 2024 revenue guidance assumes only a modest uplift in our core business in the second half after a difficult first half and muted growth from new product sales. Moving to our revised adjusted EBITDA guidance; we are reducing our estimate to $580 million to $595 million. We now expect adjusted EBITDA expenses to be closer to $360 million, down from our prior projection of about $370 million, reflecting expense reductions as we seek to manage our adjusted EBITDA margin while maintaining investments in projects that are expected to generate revenue growth. The combination of our revenue and adjusted EBITDA assumptions implies an adjusted EBITDA margin of about 62% for full year 2024, slightly below prior expectations. Turning to our third quarter guidance as outlined on page 10 of the supplemental deck. We anticipate revenues of $230 million to $245 million and adjusted EBITDA of $140 million to $155 million. And as Travis mentioned, we now expect future attrition related to a specific program at a larger client which will impact the results starting in 2025. While we're not providing guidance for 2025 today, we do that in February each year, typically. In the interest of transparency, we expect this program attrition to pose an approximate 3% to have -- excuse me, 3% headwind to revenues next year. But it's also, as Travis mentioned, with the exception of attrition overhang related to one of our larger clients, we've been growing at a mid-single-digit rate across the remainder of our customer base. While we now expect this additional attrition to constrain growth until mid-'25, this should clear the way for us to show ongoing growth in the core. As you're aware from our press release, we again conducted an impairment test in the second quarter of 2024 which incorporates current financial market conditions, including our share price, market discount rates, forecast revisions and other factors. based on this test, the estimated fair value of our goodwill was less than our carrying value. As a result, we recorded a noncash impairment charge of $553.7 million and recognized the charge in our GAAP earnings results. Turning to the balance sheet and capital allocation; our operating cash flow was $18.5 million in the second quarter and levered free cash flow was a negative $7.0 million. As a reminder, the second and fourth quarters are typically our lower quarters for cash flow given the timing of our interest and tax payments. As shown on page 13 of the supplemental deck, we ended the quarter with $49 million of unrestricted cash and we did not buy any securities this quarter. Net of cash, our total and operating leverage ratios were 7.5x and 5.4x, respectively. Our long-term capital priorities remain the same. Our highest priority remains investing in the business to drive growth and long-term value. You should expect us to continue making critical organic investments to support our platform, including our new core products and our data and decision science service line. With our remaining cash flow, we will primarily focus on debt reduction. While our long-term priorities have not changed following the acquisition of BST, in the near term, we will emphasize organic investments and debt reduction and deemphasize M&A and share repurchases as we focus on debt retirement. In terms of our capital structure, we've been consistent. We have time, we have flexibility and we will continue to be thoughtful and circumspect in our approach. Finally, as to the news as to why I'm leaving -- that I'm leaving MultiPlan and why, I've been clear that I believe in this company. You've heard this from me many times. I believe in its people and its strategy and I'm confident we're going to emerge from our transformation as a stronger, more diversified and sustainable company. However, as Travis mentioned, this is an important moment for us in a multiyear journey. Our transformation will require a few more years to complete and on a personal note, that timing doesn't fit with my horizon. This company needs a CFO who can see it all the way through. Travis and I are committed to creating a seamless transition for Doug and I plan to remain on until the end of the year to make sure that happens. I look forward to catching up with many of you in the coming days as we go through our quarterly earnings and on a personal basis. That brings me to the end of my comments. I'll turn it back over to you, Travis.


操作员:[操作员说明]我们今天的第一个问题来自Nephron研究公司的Joshua Raskin。









Daniel Grosslight:我同意Josh的观点——和Jim一起工作非常棒。希望以后能继续我们的对话。我想我的第一个问题实际上是关于收入收益率和波动性,自2022年第一季度以来,每个季度的收入收益率基本上都是连续下降的。虽然您对2023年的合同续约非常坦率,导致收益率下降,但我很好奇您是否可以提供有关当前波动的更多细节。我不太确定净收益率的变化和信贷实际上意味着什么。所以如果你能提供更多关于这方面的细节以及你预计收益率变化和波动性何时会减弱?


Daniel Grosslight:好的。然后是你的资本结构,很明显,你还有一些时间。我认为转换是最接近2027年到期的。不过,我很好奇,你的五年计划现在把你带到了那个成熟期之外。因此,早于预期开始解决这个问题是有意义的,而不是等待,我认为所有债券现在都以相当高的折扣交易。所以我很好奇,除了在公开市场上进行机会性回购之外,你们是否愿意与一些信贷投资者进行对话并重组其中的一些债务?







Madison Aron:我有几个问题。我想,首先,考虑到HST的挑战,我们是否应该假设收益率将趋向于接近或低于1%。我还是不知道是什么给了你信心?为什么你认为我们不会看到PSAV率进一步下降。正如前面提到的那样,它们继续依次下降。我只是不知道这里的底线是什么。我希望你能帮我们解释一下。



吉姆·海德:是的。尤其是这个大项目,我想,随着时间的推移,我们会更清楚地认识到这一点。我们想把专项拨款放在那里。但我不认为这是一种趋势。正如特拉维斯所说,这更像是一个战略决策。我想提醒大家,我们网络业务的核心包括NSA,包括Data iSight,所有这些东西。我们拥有一系列难以复制和扩展的资产。所以这不是一件容易的事,对一个人来说,改变业务或始终如一地内化。所以我们提出了这个问题,但我不认为这是一种趋势。随着时间的推移,我们有过这样的时刻,人们将事物内化,世界变得越来越复杂,正如你所意识到的那样。所以有一个独立的供应商可以处理,投资来处理一个不断变化的复杂世界,特别是在国家安全局的世界里,我的意思是损失还没有解决他们可能会改变,继续改变。做出这些决定是一个很大的飞跃。所以我们不认为这是一个持续的趋势。但正如特拉维斯指出的,这是,但对于一个客户来说我们看到了一些这样的情况,这是非常一致的,我们觉得我们处于一个很好的位置。



接线员:我们今天的下一个问题来自Piper Sandler公司的杰西卡·塔桑。














吉姆·海德:也许应该用一篇孤立的文章来回答这个问题。我认为收益率会趋于稳定。我不认为2025年的情况会是这样。音量环境感觉很好。我们还没有看到任何迹象表明情况会变得更糟。我们一直对经济复苏持谨慎态度。但我也想回顾一下过去,在所有条件相同的情况下,我们看到大部分客户的增长都很强劲,甚至比上个季度还慢。所以在这个行业中有一个很好的稳定趋势。我们也在播种——在这些新产品上播种的种子。无论是HST还是BST, BST作为一个大贡献者将继续帮助我们。它比我们希望的要慢。所以你把这些成分放在一起。然后我想我们要做的是说还有一个因素是逆风。我们一直有这样的事情,我们已经克服了,但这是2025年的一种成分,但我们只是不打算进入算法。我认为现在太早了。坦率地说,我认为,随着我们进入今年下半年和明年年初,我们将有更多的能见度,以使情况对你们更好一些。




